40+ Hilarious Mannequin Photos That Had Us Laughing

Various stores and boutiques use mannequins to display their clothing items. But, sometimes, you have to wonder what store employees were thinking when you look at the mannequins used and how they are styled. From the more "regular" mannequins to the completely outrageous, stores try to set themselves apart from the rest when displaying their clothing items and accessories. But, how far are stores willing to go to stand out, and do their mannequins actually influence their sales and profits? Let's look at the most hilarious mannequin photos taken by customers in stores around the globe.

French Baguettes

We would love to know what the brief was for this particular style. Clearly meant to be French-inspired, this store employee tied baguettes to the mannequin's heads to give them a classic French theme. However, there are other ways this particular theme could have been captured.

French Baguettes

Although, maybe the employee was slightly hard of hearing and heard "baguette" instead of a "beret." Nonetheless, this is how it turned out. Odd, but somehow it strangely just works.

Businessmen Just Wanna Have Fun

We all know that mannequins can be arranged in just about any position, but these mannequins spotted at a store in Japan take the cake with their weird rockstar poses. We're sure they had many customers scratching their heads in confusion.

Businessmen Just Wanna Have Fun

The clothes, however, look great, and that is, after all, the main purpose of using mannequins in a store. It certainly is a memorable display, we will give them that.

Talk Dirty to Me

Causing much confusion, this pair of mannequins will have you scratching your head as you wonder why they are put together like this. Are they sharing a secret? Or is this a private moment between lovers?

Talk Dirty to Me

Whatever is going on here, we hope that they are happy and that they are actually in storage and not on the shop floor on display. This could lead to some awkward questions.

The Thinking Man

What better way to advertise a relaxed yet attractive outfit than by having your mannequin do the thinking man pose? This is a great example of how to display a natural, laid-back look.

The Thinking Man

Honestly, though, this mannequin just looks like he's trying to remember if he has left the oven on at home. Truly pondering life's biggest mysteries!