Experts’ Top Tips on How to Concentrate More Effectively
Many people feel distracted nowadays, and it’s no wonder why. Anything from constant scrolling through social media to having countless tasks on one’s mind can affect concentration. However, not addressing the issue on time will only make things worse. Before long, it might become challenging to concentrate even for a short period of time. Here’s how to tackle the problem.
Concentrate Better With Expert Advice
Concentrate Better With Expert Advice
Today, you’ll read the opinions of several professionals about tackling poor concentration. The first specialist is Gloria Mark, Ph.D., who has spent her entire career multitasking, especially with the rise of digital technologies. Daniel Amen, MD, author of the forthcoming book, Change Your Brain Every Day, also shares his point of view on how to concentrate better. Without further ado, let’s learn how to effectively improve your concentration.
Eliminate Brain Fog
One of the things you can try is mindful meditation. As Daniel Amen puts it, this activity boosts blood flow to the part of the brain that’s responsible for focus and attention span. Believe it or not, loving-kindness meditation can substantially increase your concentration levels. Amen says you just need to give yourself warm wishes, like wishing yourself a calm, peaceful day, etc. Before long, you’ll start feeling more in control and alert.
Set Your Rhythm
Set Your Rhythm
As you might have noticed, every person has their natural rhythm – i.e., ups and downs in their concentration levels. If you want to concentrate better, follow your natural flow and ebb. If you don’t know it, perhaps now’s a good time to determine it. You can track at what time you feel most focused and for how long. Once you’ve pinpointed it, you’ll be able to use it to your advantage.
Time to Visualize Success
Another thing you should try is to visualize your success. Create a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. If you can, try to make a step-by-step guide of what you’ll do to achieve your goals. According to Gloria Mark, that can greatly help you concentrate better and for longer.