40+ Impossibly Smart But Simple Designs That Scream, “How Didn’t We Think of That Sooner?”
Toothpaste Ingredients, Origin, and Purpose
If you turn to the back of the packaging on food items and other products there is a contents table that lists ingredients and the specific quantities. But, have you ever wondered what the actual purpose of each ingredient is?
This toothpaste tube not only states what each ingredient’s function is but also where the ingredients come from. This is an amazing way to educate people and let them know what’s in their products in a way that they can fully understand without a degree.
TV Remote With Headphone Jack
When it comes to noisy neighbors, if it’s not a heated argument or belly-filled laughter, it’s likely their TV is just too loud. You could use earplugs as a quick fix, but doesn’t seem like a long-term solution.
This small headphone jack could be the answer to all your issues. Allowing one to plug their headphones into the TV remote means others can sleep in peace without compromising anyone’s needed screen time.
Library Cell Phone Vault
A library is, understandably, a place of silence for people to escape into their novels or work without noisy distractions. So, getting a phone call and having to try to run out before it ends can feel like a race against time.
This library has created a sound-proof chamber in which you’re able to take that call without having to try to dodge or hurdle over others. While this might seem extreme, we’re sure the librarian will be very grateful if you used it.
Takeaway Taco Container
Not in the mood to cook and wash the dishes? Takeout is the perfect solution to enjoy your favorite restaurant meal from the comfort of your couch. When your delivery finally arrives and you open it up, however, you discover that it’s no longer intact.
To avoid that disappointment, this equally-divided container will keep your tacos upright. No broken or smashed shells, and the fillings stay exactly where they’re supposed to be.
Have you ever thought to yourself, there must be an easier way to do this? Don’t worry, we have some of the answers to your questions. From labeled bed sheets to microwaves with no beep settings. We have compiled a list of 40+ simple, yet genius designs that will make you wonder, “how did we not think of this sooner?”