Dad Attempts the ‘Stinky Fish Challenge’ – His Reaction Says it All

There’s a new challenge that’s trending around the world called the ‘stinky fish challenge.’ As the name suggests, it’s an interesting and smelly one. The participant is expected to eat canned fish from Sweden called Surstromming.

The Surstromming Canned Fish

This may be the world’s smelliest canned fish. It’s made of salted and fermented Baltic sea herring which is traditional to Swedish cuisine. Surstromming translates to ‘sour herring’ in Swedish. The herring is lightly salted and left to ferment for at least six months, which gives it the characteristic strong smell and acidic taste.

The Surstromming Canned Fish

While there are certain ways to use small amounts of the Surstromming in real cooking, the world has found a new purpose and a lot of people are now trying the stinky fish challenge.

Donald Maclennan and His Two Sons’ Attempt

One of the most viral videos of people attempting the challenge is from a Scottish man from Inverness by the name of Donald Maclennan and his two sons Robbie, 11, and Jamie, 5. No one’s prepared for this kind of challenge, but the dad’s reaction is priceless and not an expected one.

The whole family starts gagging as soon as they pop through the can’s lid, without even opening it fully. The kids are a long way gone by the time their dad fully opens the smelly can and makes his first attempt to eat the stinky fish from the inside. This goes for another three minutes of Donald Maclennan gagging, coughing, and trying to eat the fermented herring when he finally gives up. His dedication is worthy of respect and his reactions are priceless!

The Proper Way to Open and Use Surstromming

While Donald Maclennan would probably never go near the Surstromming canned fish, it’s a good idea for everyone to know how to properly open and prepare it. The can is supposed to be open underwater and only small amounts should be used in sauces or salad dressings – just like anchovies, but even more moderately.