20+ People Who Had the Audacity to Make Something That Had Nothing to Do With Them, All About Them

People Who Had the Audacity to Make Something That Had Nothing to Do With Them, All About Them

Everyone is familiar with the classic old saying, “The world doesn’t revolve around you.” But, just because people are familiar with it doesn’t mean that everyone believes it. Some people just can’t seem to help but be self-absorbed, and thanks to this phenomenon, we’ve compiled a list of people who somehow manage to make every situation — including situations that have nothing to do with them — all about them.

What’s the Purpose of This

When you’re in a relationship, you make an effort to do nice things for each other, like prepare coffee or have meaningful conversations with your significant other. But, when this partner decided to share something sweet, people on the internet didn’t take it so well.

What’s the Purpose of This

They couldn’t have possibly had any other reason to share this meaningful interaction with their husband other than to make this random person on the internet feel bad! Do they feel terrible because they’re single or because they’re a bad partner?

The “Spoil Them” Competition

As a parent, you sometimes just want to spoil your children and make sure they have a fun day they’ll never forget. And as a parent, you’re also aware that some other parents can’t help but turn everything into a competition.

The “Spoil Them” Competition

When this parent shared a photo of an inflatable slide they rented out for their kids, a social media “friend” just couldn’t wait to brag about how their kids’ setup was so much better.

Try Doing the Right Thing

Well-functioning hospitals are an integral part of any society. After all, what is a society without healthy, productive members? However, just because hospitals are important doesn’t mean that they can just receive their deliveries however they want.

Try Doing the Right Thing

How could they not think of the neighbors and get their potentially life-saving deliveries of medical supplies rerouted down a different, likely longer path? Light sleepers are more important than saving lives, after all.

Can You Imagine

All of us would hope that if we were ever having a physical or mental health crisis in public, someone would step in to help us. We would want others to display a little bit of humanity and show that our life is important to them.

Can You Imagine

Or, there are people like these two Facebook users, who manage to make a serious mental health crisis of a stranger all about them and how inconvenienced they would be. Someone should go and rip that horn right out of their car!