Proof That Men Are Infuriatingly Misinformed About Basic Female Anatomy

Proof That Men Are Infuriatingly Misinformed About Basic Female Anatomy

Anatomy is extremely complex and it’s tough to know what’s going on with a body that isn’t yours. Therefore, we can understand if there are some basic details about womanhood that men simply don’t know. However, these particular social media posts really make us question if these guys have ever even seen a woman before! Read the most baffling and hilarious things that these dudes actually believe about women’s bodies.

There’s No Need for Name-Calling

Clearly, this guy’s never seen a diapered baby get out of a swimming pool. In his theoretical world, what’s the pad even supposed to stick to? Or are women supposed to shower with their underwear on, as well? Maybe he thinks that pads somehow attach to women’s bodies?

There’s No Need for Name-Calling

Whatever his logic is, the name-calling is just rude! Without that, we’d have been happy to chalk this up to “Ok, he doesn’t know.” However, he not only doesn’t know, but he’s also unwilling to learn.

Okay, “Bro”

Ironically, this guy is in the minority when it comes to his knowledge of female anatomy. At least, we hope he’s the minority! This is a perfect example of how society’s beauty standards can actually skew how we view the human body.

Okay, “Bro”

We’ve all heard about how seeing people through Instagram filters all the time can mess with our minds. Well, apparently, seeing women with shaven armpits has confused this individual and he’s in for quite the shock!

Learning to Plan Ahead

Once again, the unearned confidence of straight men has completely amazed us. Not only is this man completely wrong but he’s being condescending to his classmate — about something he knows nothing of!

Learning to Plan Ahead

The scariest part is that he’s not even young enough for this misunderstanding — the guy was in college! Perhaps the woman he was mansplaining to should show him what her tampon looks like when she takes it out? Just for the sake of educating him, of course.

We Wish

This probably explains why so many women report feeling unsatisfied after intimacy. Apparently, there’s a decent number of men who think that putting literally anything into a woman can result in pleasure.

We Wish

Do they think that “down there” is like a button and if pressed, satisfaction will occur? We’re sorry to say that it takes just a bit more effort than that. Surely men know this. After all, there’s no “magical button” for them, is there?