40 People Shared “The Most American Thing” They Can Think of & the Answers Are Hilariously Sad

Most American Things Ever

America is a large country and you hear about it all the time. That’s what’s led to so many threads online about what the “most American thing” that someone can think of is. When you look deeper into it, the answers are often hilarious — even if some of them veer a little closer to sad.

A Classic Dessert

There are some things that people associate with America that aren’t too sad. So, let’s start out soft with a tasty option.

A Classic Dessert

While there are plenty of desserts that people associate with the United States, one really takes the cake or — more appropriately — the pie. After all, what’s more stereotypically American than a fresh apple pie? Who could really be upset about it either? After all, it’s a pretty tasty option when you’re craving something sweet!

Black Friday

Right after Thanksgiving ends, a new event starts in the United States. It’s time to grab your Christmas deals on Black Friday! Still, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to just run to the store and get what you need.

Black Friday

Online shopping has definitely made it better but Black Friday can get a bit overwhelming or, in some cases, even a bit of violence to make your way through the store. At what point are the sales no longer worth it?

Just Advertising

It’s not uncommon to see ads, almost no matter what you’re doing. You might see them while you browse online or even when you’re driving down the road. This person made a fair note that the content of those ads can still seem shocking from place to place.

Just Advertising

They weren’t shocked by content like the gimmick a commercial used but rather who advertised at all. It seems odd that a hospital would have to dedicate part of its funding to advertising, objectively speaking.

Double Down

If there’s one thing that many people associate with America, it’s the food. However, that isn’t always meant in a good way.

Double Down

Of course, a brand called Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC for short) would seem quintessentially American. On the other hand, it was a particular menu item that sold this Reddit user — the Double Down. If you’ve never seen it before, it’s a chicken sandwich where the bun is swapped out for a pair of chicken fillets.