30+ Movies That Made Over a Billion Dollars

Movies That Made a Billion Dollars

We all know that Hollywood is a money-making business. With the glitz and glamor, celebrities, and red-carpet events, movies are nothing short of picturesque and flashy. Movie characters are every kid’s idol: just walk around the toy section at any department store for proof. From Jurassic World to Minions, we uncover the movies that made over a billion dollars in revenue. Can you even imagine what that kind of money looks like?!

Jurassic World – $1,671,537,444

Set 22 years after the initial story of Jurassic Park (1993), Jurassic World follows the “What if Jurassic Park reopened?” plot. Box office sales suggest that this film was a roaring success, but the whole movie gives off an “I’ve seen this before and it was better the first time” vibe.

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Even with a cast with dreamy Chris Pratt as Owen Grady, Jurassic World felt like a reboot of the classic Jurassic Park franchise. This movie shows off impressive CGI that makes up for the mediocre plotline, though.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – $1,017,030,651

The Hobbit trilogy builds the storyline and characters that make Lord of the Rings the incredible franchise that it is – and always will be. Unfortunately, the Hobbit trilogy doesn’t quite match the level of hype that LOTR fans hoped for.

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The Hobbit is a beloved novel that’s nearly perfect in the eyes of many, and it’s unfortunate that this franchise decided to split the story up into three films. The three-movie split makes it difficult to form a cohesive story and plotline.

Frozen II – $1,453,683,476

This animated adventure fantasy is NOTHING like the first Frozen, and the reviews reflect that. Some even say that without the music soundtrack, this film is borderline unwatchable. As successful as the first movie in the Frozen franchise was, any sequel that’s slightly sub-par feels like a major loss.

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Queen Elsa begins hearing unsettling voices in the wind and unlocks the journey to right an injustice from the past. With many twists, turns, and new characters sprinkled along the way, this film may just make your head spin!

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides – $1,046,721,266

This movie was the fourth in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, and let’s just say they should’ve stopped at three. Despite missing most of the original and beloved Pirates crew, this movie crept itself up the billion-dollar box list.

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On Stranger Tides follows the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. He’s seeking out the fountain of youth with a rag-tag group of pirate crewmates. Running into a past love interest, an old enemy, and the all-feared pirate Blackbeard, Jack must navigate the untameable seas on the quest of a lifetime.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – $1,077,022,372

Star Wars has been, and always will be, a battleground of loyal fans. They often bicker about which of the eleven Star Wars films is the best one, and which should’ve never left the drawing board. This sequel is no different.

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Of the five Star Wars films that have crossed the billion-dollar line, critics agree that this is by far the worst. Although with a franchise this large, there isn’t a universe, even one far far away, that would unanimously support every single Star Wars film.

Jurassic World Dominion – $1,001,978,080

As the final film in the Jurassic Park series and wrap-up to the Jurassic World trilogy, Jurassic World Dominion provides the epic conclusion that we all needed. With the original characters returning to save the day, this plotline is a twist on the original series.

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In Jurassic World Dominion, we see dinosaurs living and coexisting (kinda?) with humans in a new era of apex predators. In the midst of all of this, endearing Dr. Ellie Sattler investigates world power Biosyn and their attempts at genetically modified animals that could throw the whole world’s food chain off balance.

Avengers: Age of Ultron – $1,405,018,048

With over 30 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, some are bound to fall flat on their face. This film in the Avengers series may be among one of the more forgettable pieces.

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If you forgot, this film tells the story of Bruce Banner and Tony Stark creating an AI system, Ulton, that turns into the antagonist. Set in a fictional country, Sokovia, Ultron sets out to eradicate the human race, and the Avengers set out to stop him. Can they succeed?

Aquaman – $1,148,528,393

With incredible CGI-crafted underwater scenes, dreamy Jason Mamoa, fun actor appearances, and the backing of the DC Universe, this film is an exciting one. Jason Mamoa really is the perfect superhero and prime action star, and his role in Aquaman just fits.

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Aquaman tells the story of half-man, half-fish Arthur who can communicate with marine animals. He seeks out to find the Trident of Atlan and bring peace between the land and water worlds, preventing a global war.

Beauty and the Beast – $1,226,115,964

Disney has been creating live-action remakes of the timeless animated classics that used to be printed on VHS tapes and princess costumes galore. It’s hard to stray from the animated original on Disney+ when given an option between the two.

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Although there’s nothing quite as magical as the original Disney films, the CGI and live-action recreation feels familiar to those of us that are still young at heart. The live-action element of this film does, however, take away from the magic of musical numbers like “Be Our Guest.”

Aladdin – $1,054,304,000

This live-action remake of the original animated Aladdin doesn’t add to the already existing storyline of this magical classic. It’s hard not to watch and compare each scene to its predecessor. Yes, we feel like the animated version is leaps and bounds better. Biased, we know.

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Aladdin follows the story of a “street rat” in Agrabah that finds himself with a lamp full of genie and a heart full of love – for the princess! The only unfortunate takeaway from the live-action adaptation is the very obvious, not discreet green screen that shows up scene after scene.

The Lion King – $1,663,075,401

The “live-action” The Lion King adaptation is still 99% animated but has a more realistic look than its animated original. It’s pretty incredible that technology can make such a masterpiece look so real!

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One thing that we love about this remake is the cast’s ability to belt a tune (Beyoncé sings “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”). The visuals are also picturesque and stunning – beyond comprehension for a realistic animated film like this!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – $1,342,359,942

The Harry Potter series is one of the most impressive and popular franchises in the industry. Unfortunately, this is one of the least favorites of the Harry Potter series. It definitely is one of those “the book was better” kinds of movies.

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This movie is the final installment of the Harry Potter series. It just doesn’t offer the same magic, triumph, and powerful finale that the book communicates on its black-and-white pages.

Toy Story 4 – $1,073,841,394

As an Oscar recipient in the category of best-animated feature in 2019 and with a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, this movie does not disappoint. The film introduces old characters from previous films and the new star of the show: Forky.

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This heartwarming film draws parents and children together for a movie night on the couch, in which everyone has fun! It’s one of those few sequel movies that measures up to the original, hands-down. All four of the Toy Story movies are smashing hits and animation genius.

Avengers: Infinity War – $2,052,415,039

This first film in the two-part Avengers wrap-up is pivotal to the storyline of the Marvel universe and is one of those movies you can watch time and time again. Avengers: Infinity War paired with its sequel, Avengers: End Game, is the perfect hand-in-hand finale to the Avengers storyline.

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The ending of this movie leaves you on the edge of your seat, begging for resolution. It’s one of the rare finales in which the villain wins, and that just doesn’t sit right for us in the audience. But not to worry, Avengers: End Game brings just the closure that Marvel fans far and wide need.

Captain America: Civil War – $1,115,046,416

Let’s be honest, Captain America: Civil War is an Avengers movie disguised as a Captain America story. This movie showed the rift among the Avengers when part of the dynamic world-saving superheroes support a government decision as a result of the Sokovia Accords, while the other group opposes it.

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This unique side-story of the Avengers plot is a fun Avenger vs. Avenger matchup that you just don’t get in the other movies. It doesn’t move the Avengers’ storyline along much but demonstrates the dynamic relationships involved in the Avengers organization.

Iron Man 3 – $1,215,577,205

This sequel to Iron Man and Iron Man 2 is pretty standard fare for a superhero movie, but with a few twists. It has patches of signature humor, long stretches of high-action, and a sneaking view of Tony Stark’s emotional side. Iron Man 3 surpasses its predecessor, Iron Man 2.

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This movie gives more insight into the man behind the Iron Man suit and all that he stands for. Honestly, the movie does exactly what it’s supposed to do – entertain an audience. We can’t complain much about that!

Finding Dory – $1,029,266,989

This movie is entertaining, and a cute animation piece to spend time watching. It’s not as emotionally involved as its predecessor, Finding Nemo, though. However, this movie still shares more insight into the loveable fish, Dory, and her story.

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Finding Dory follows short-term memory loss victim, Dory, a blue tang fish, as she sets out to find her parents. With classic characters, Marlin and Nemo, in addition to new faces (…or fins?) along the way, Finding Dory is a charming way to pass time.

Joker – $1,074,458,282

It takes a certain actor to portray this level of imbalance and dysregulation, and Joaquin Phoenix is the guy. This movie, honestly, was just terrible. Horrifying, even. This film romanticizes mental illness in a way that makes you uncomfortable, but you can’t stop watching.

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It’s worth noting, however, that the performance and filmmaking were incredibly executed. The content just leaves the audience feeling unsettled and not sure what to do as the curtains close. It’s not the kind of movie you could rewatch often, if ever.

Alice in Wonderland – $1,025,468,216

Unlike other Disney remakes, Alice in Wonderland completely turns the original story around and brings that signature Tim Burton style along with it. With a darker spin and gothic look, this topsy-turvy film reinvents the original story of Alice in Wonderland.

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Johnny Depp just seems to fit in perfectly with this curious and fantastical film. The makeup, costumes, and sets are absolutely amazing and leave you wondering what alternate worlds could look like. It’s definitely a piece of artwork from a wild imagination!

Captain Marvel – $1,131,416,446

As a step in the right direction for women in action-packed lead roles, Captain Marvel has opened the door for women in the film industry. This film faced quite a bit of backlash and doesn’t really seem “on brand” with other Marvel movies.

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In this film, Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial superhero that steps in to save the universe from intergalactic war. It doesn’t necessarily stand out in the lineup of Marvel movies but is a different approach to the character development of a superhero, and we love it!

The Avengers – $1,520,538,536

The original Avengers movie really is the carbon copy of a perfect superhero movie. The stars have personalities, the antagonist is easy to rally against, and there are enthralling action scenes sprinkled with cunning banter. It all fits together perfectly, to be honest.

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This well-executed unison of heroes smoothly sets up the future Avengers films with a foundation of superhero collaboration, while also allowing room for quarrels, dynamic relationships, and crossing storylines. It’s memorable and re-watchable as a timeless classic.

Spider-Man: Far From Home – $1,131,927,996

Following the adrenaline rush of Avengers: Endgame, this film reminds us of the humanness of our beloved Avengers. With high school field trips, awkward teenage romance, and Tom Holland’s innocent character, this film is loveable and doesn’t feel like your typical superhero flick.

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This study abroad-themed sequel gives off Lizzie McGuire vibes with European sights, quirky romance, and friendships. It’s a fun addition to the Marvel universe but doesn’t follow the normal superhero baddie script.

The Incredibles 2 – $1,243,225,667

This film was SO long-awaited, and it measured up to expectations! It wasn’t totally necessary following its predecessor, but we’ll always welcome the Incredibles to our screen. With a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, this family-fun movie leaves roles reversed from the first film.

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Helen is off on her own mission chasing down a supervillain while Mr. Incredible is left at home trying to figure out super stay-at-home parenting. Both parents feel their own growing pains and challenges, and we’re here for it every step of the way!

Avatar – $2,923,706,026

With three Oscar wins and nine nominations, Avatar was the first of its kind, and definitely the first to execute CGI and design at this level. It’s considered the highest-grossing film in history, and anyone can see why.

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This movie was – and still is – a one-of-a-kind experience in terms of visuals. It paved the way for filmmaking for generations to come. From inventive artistry to technical prowess, there’s no other movie like Avatar on the market, even over a decade after it was released.

Avatar: The Way of Water – $2,129,714,940

Much like the original film, Avatar: The Way of Water has stunning visuals and technical design that blows other high-grossing movies out of the water. Another long-awaited sequel, this movie lived up to the hype and beyond.

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The story and script are quite original and leave enough loose ends to keep you anxiously awaiting the following film. Get excited for what’s to come from this production crew – if it’s anything like this movie, you’ll be getting an absolute feast for your eyes!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – $2,071,310,218

This film is quite nostalgic, with similar relationships, sets, and dynamism to A New Hope. It’s also SO fun to see original Star Wars characters making a comeback. The whole movie does feel a bit unoriginal, as it’s – to some degree – a copy-and-paste of the original.

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This movie follows the rag-tag group of freedom fighters in the Resistance as they search the galaxy for Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi. Although many Star Wars fans have a bone to pick with the writing team for this film, it’s a good family film, and it’s fun to see old characters weave their way across the storyline.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi – $1,334,407,706

With rich character development and inventive action sequences, this film pays homage to The Empire Strikes back without replicating it. With Rey learning under the Jedi leadership of Luke Skywalker and growing tensions with the First Order, viewers catch wind of an intergalactic battle brewing.

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The Force is strong with this movie, and it’s setting up its next sequel for an action-packed and dynamic ending. Featuring amazing costumes, good script writing, and admirable CGI graphics, this Star Wars film was well-made and an entertaining one to watch.

The Dark Knight Rises – $1,108,169,825

This film gets ragged on a bit because no one can ever match Heath Ledger’s performance in the Dark Knight. However, with Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Tom Hardy as Bane, the cast is perfect for this type of movie.

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The Dark Knight Rises is a perfectly satisfactory end to a brilliant trilogy and provides weight and heaviness that many superhero movies aren’t able to convey. It’s thought-provoking and reveals the emotional challenges that face Bruce Wayne, the protector of Gotham.

Frozen – $1,284,540,518

Don’t lie – you know every word of “Let it Go.” There’s no shame here! This film took the world by storm – including CDs, toy aisles, and Halloween costumes. Frozen was awarded two Oscar awards, and it’s easy to see why.

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The songs are catchy (too catchy, sometimes), the visuals are astounding, the singing voices are angelic, and it’s a completely original film. It truly did reach the billion-dollar club on its own merit. This film changed every girl’s favorite princess to Elsa, and you know it!

Top Gun: Maverick – $1,488,732,821

Tom Cruise comes out of his Top Gun retirement to act as an instructor but, of course, can’t help but hop on his own action-packed missions along the way. This movie is an absolutely cookie-cutter action movie – from shirtless men to nameless enemies.

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Although it has its fair share of cheesy scenes and one-liners, it also offers unbelievable segments. After the curtains close, you almost wonder if it was too perfectly made. This sequel to the classic will leave your heart full and ready to watch it again on your couch once it drops online.

Spider-Man: No Way Home – $1,921,847,111

The latest Marvel film is a multiverse adventure in which all of our previous beloved Spider-Man reps re-enter the chat, as do their respective villains. This movie truly is a display of Marvel at its best.

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With perfectly interwoven storylines, a big enough budget to bring everyone back on board, and the perfect balance of snarky dialogue mixed with action – No Way Home is the perfect way to wrap up Spider-Man’s story and tie a nicely-wrapped bow on it.

Skyfall – $1,108,569,499

With Daniel Craig as 007, Skyfall is thought to be one of the best Bond films ever made, and rightly so. This Bond movie brings in 007’s childhood home. It incorporates the perfect home invasion showdown that differentiates this film from others in the Bond brand.

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It’s immeasurably satisfying and demonstrates Bond’s deep-rooted loyalty to his people whom we all love and long for. Skyfall ties in the right amount of action, heart, story, and everything in between. Skyfall was awarded two Oscars, and it’s quite obvious why!

Avengers: Endgame – $2,799,439,100

Endgame is the kind of film that’s too good to be true, and it’s hard to explain why. As the 22nd movie in the Marvel series, it had no business being the smashing success that it was. Tying together dozens of storylines, providing resolution to decades of the Avengers in action, and nostalgic filming creative license makes this film the best of the Marvel series.

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The degree of difficulty that it takes to wrap up a series like this with such incredible execution is nearly impossible. We don’t think Marvel can ever outshine itself with the making of Avengers: Endgame.

The Lion King – $1,063,611,805

As one of Disney’s most successful titles, the original Lion King is that familiar movie that takes you right back to your childhood home. This film truly is interchangeable with the entire Disney brand and is iconic in our culture.

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Although the remake is also on the billion-dollar club list, don’t forget for one second that the original animated The Lion King is the superior Lion King film. This movie has decades of viewers to back it up!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – $1,058,682,142

This side-shoot story revolves around the Star Wars universe without changing the overall story arc of the Star Wars franchise. In fact, it builds in some fun stories that support it.

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This film follows a rebel that’s quested with finding plans to the Death Star to give to the legendary Luke Skywalker. With an epic Darth Vader fight scene, fun action sequences, and excellent sound mixing along the way, this movie was nominated for two Oscars but didn’t quite take the cake.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – $1,146,457,748

With 11 Oscar wins and 11 nominations, this film was the perfect seal to the original LOTR trilogy. This film has several diverging storylines as the characters are split and reunited. However, it does bring closure to the gaping wounds and stories that every LOTR fan needs.

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Some LOTR superfans found this conclusion story a bit disheartening, but as part of the billion-dollar club and almost a dozen Oscar wins, we believe this film can be considered a smashing success.

The Fate of the Furious – $1,236,005,118

It wouldn’t be a complete film list without at least one of The Fast and the Furious movies sprinkled in. The Fate of the Furious is a strong movie as a whole, despite missing the infamous Paul Walker that completes this iconic cast.

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The Dom vs. family dynamic brings a new level of excitement to the film, most notably the action scenes. F9 doesn’t quite match the level of execution that this eighth film does, so here’s to hoping that the 10th installment is one of redemption.

Toy Story 3 – $1,067,316,101

Before Toy Story 4 hit theaters, the Toy Story franchise already had a perfect ending with the closed curtains of Toy Story 3. This third movie came out over a decade after the first two films were created. Luckily, the filmmaking crew didn’t skip a beat.

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With the beloved toys from Andy’s childhood donated to a daycare, viewers watch the clashing of rivals, an adventurous escape, and a heartfelt friendship that makes all of us a little nostalgic.

The Dark Knight – $1,006,234,167

With two Oscar wins and eight nominations, The Dark Knight is one of those movies that you can rewatch until the end of time and never grow tired of. This film pushed superhero movies into a darker, grittier direction, and action movies have never been the same since.

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Of course, Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker makes him the best Joker there’s ever been – or will be. He may just be the best supervillain of all time, but we’ll leave that decision up to you.

Jurassic Park – $1,109,802,321

Jurassic Park is the oldest film to date that’s crossed the billion-dollar mark, and the math adds up. This iconic dinosaur-park-gone-wrong sci-fi adventure takes viewers into a new era of film with incredible animatronics and scriptwriting. It’s a filmmaking masterpiece! Who doesn’t love a dinosaur movie?!

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The cast for this movie sets the standard of charming characters, snarky humor, and shows the dynamic characters on display. With T-rex chases, velociraptor hunts, and iconic one-liners, this is one of the best-made films in history.

Black Panther – $1,349,926,083

It’s not only an iconic superhero movie, but this film also stands for more than just cool superhero suits and thrilling action scenes. One of the things about Black Panther that makes it stand out from the pack is its representation of people of color which highlights culture.

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The all-star cast pulled out three Oscar wins and seven nominations. It showed the world that a movie with an all-black cast wouldn’t just make money, but would stand with the greats in filmmaking history.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom – $1,310,466,296

As one of the lowest scorers on our list, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ranks a sad 47% on Rotten Tomatoes. Yet, it still crossed the one billion mark in box office gross income. With exciting action and a mediocre storyline, this adventure film raked people into movie theaters.

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This movie follows the grand adventure of Owen and Claire as they travel to the Jurassic World theme park to save dinosaurs from extinction caused by a deadly volcanic eruption. It builds on one of the most popular adventure film series empires but does it with mediocrity.

Titanic – $2,194,690,964

This timeless classic is the epitome of romance, tragedy, and everything in between. With 11 Oscar wins and 14 nominations, it’s arguably the best film of all time. Titanic was the first film to ever cross the million-dollar mark. It was number one at the box office for 15 consecutive weeks!

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As a popular film, it crossed the $2 billion dollar mark. This feat has only ever been done in Hollywood by six films. This film is jam-packed with iconic moments that have shaped and reshaped the film industry today. Well-paced and well-scripted, there are simply no flaws in this timeless movie.

Minions – $1,159,444,662

Let’s be honest, there’s not one person on this planet that wasn’t at some point infatuated by minions, especially those with kids! Unfortunately, changing the fun-sized sidekicks to full-on protagonists made this film a hard one to enjoy. Some characters are just meant to work in the background.

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This Gru-less spinoff story is about three minions that go on a global journey to seek out a new master. They run into Scarlet Overkill, a supervillain voiced by Sandra Bullock, that hatches a plan to take over the world. You won’t miss out by leaving this one on the shelf.

Despicable Me 3 – $1,034,800,131

This Despicable Me sequel is only slightly better than the Minions movie, probably due to Gru reentering the chat. Despicable Me 3 features Gru and his more cheerful and successful brother, Dru after being fired from the Anti-Villain League.

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Unfortunately, the charm and humor that draws adults in just as much as children from the first two movies in the franchise is replaced by the “kids will laugh at fart jokes” kind of humor. They’re really missing out on some quality redemption in this film!