These 45 Weird Photos Are True Mind Bogglers That’ll Surely Confuse You

Weird Mind-Boggling Photos That’ll Confuse You

Have you ever come across a photo on the internet that seems so odd that you have had to take a second look to understand what’s going on? From misleading adverts to dirty signage at restaurants claiming to strive for quality, a simple photo can be completely misunderstood if taken from the wrong angle or at the wrong time. Here’s a list of our own that feature optical illusions so confusing that you will need to do a double-take to figure out what is going on.

Kudos to the Cameraman!

It takes a certain amount of talent and a whole heap of patience to capture the perfect action shot of an animal running. This cameraman took it to the next level when he captured this photo of what looks like a dog in a bubble.

Kudos to the Cameraman!

This definitely took a second to figure out. It’s also one of the prettiest illusions we’ve seen — just an absolutely perfect shot. We wonder how many bubbles they had to blow to get this picture.

Toy Story Comes to Life

Imagine waking up from your beautiful slumber in the middle of the night to see this monstrosity coming at you! It’s quite easily the stuff of nightmares. Thankfully, upon closer inspection, it is just a dog wearing a teddy bear on its face.

Toy Story Comes to Life

This mind-boggling photo will have you thinking you are trapped in a real-life Toy Story situation. But, look more closely at this “teddy,” and you’ll see that all is well and there are no toys coming to life anytime soon.

Wow, This Little Guy Aged Quickly!

At first glance, it sure seems that there is a bit of a Benjamin Button situation going on here as we look at an adult holding a small child with a very grown-up-looking face.

Wow, This Little Guy Aged Quickly!

But, look closer, and you, too, will see that it’s just an angle issue and that the face we see is that of a man holding the baby. We’re not going to lie; this one took more than one look to figure out, making it a mind-boggler of note.

Portal Into the Unknown

Is it just us, or are tattoo artists getting more creative with their designs? While this tattoo is not everyone’s cup of tea, you’ve got to admit that it is pretty cool, and it looks like this man has a portal leading to the inside of his head.

Portal Into the Unknown

Ever wished that you could see into someone’s mind or brain? Well, with this optical illusion tattoo, you can. But, we’re not sure how comfortable we are when looking at this picture. Something about it just seems unsettling.