45 Hilarious “They’re a 10 But” Tweets That Will Make You Feel Called Out

45 Hilarious “They’re a 10 But” Tweets That Will Make You Feel Called Out

‘They’re a 10, but…’ is the latest trend to take over social media. In this game, you say that a prospective partner is a 10 except they have one fatal flaw. Then, the internet is left to discuss whether or not that flaw should be a dealbreaker. Here are the best entries to ‘They’re a 10, but…’ that range from hilarious to downright disturbing!


Okay, she may be a 10 but she’s clearly a psychopath. Who knows what else this woman is doing?! Maybe she puts the toilet paper on the roll “under” rather than “over.” Or she’s not a fan of Tom Hanks?


Perhaps she prefers the live-action Aladdin movie over the original? She might even consider the crust to be her favorite part of a pizza! Stay away from a woman like this — there’s no telling what goes in her head…

Self-Care Is Hot

We’d still go for it — maybe just not while she’s wearing the goggles. As unattractive as this is, we have to admit that the interest in self-care is pretty hot. She doesn’t want to get chlorine in her eyes and it’s kind of a lose-lose situation.

Self-Care Is Hot

After all, she wouldn’t be a 10 with red and irritated eyes, would she? As far as we’re concerned, this woman is invested in her self-care and long-term appearance. That’s a 10 in our book!


Messages on Snapchat are temporary, so if that’s his main form of communication with you, that means you’re temporary too. That’s not a guy who’s going to look back at your old messages, one year from now, and reminisce about how cute you guys are together.


Don’t get us wrong, there’s no shame in keeping it casual. However, if that’s not what you’re looking for and your date’s only talking to you on Snapchat, then you need to nope yourself out of there.

How Do You Respond to That?

Sometimes, a romantic partner will ask you a hypothetical question as a way of testing your love. While these questions can often be pretty strange, we have to admit that this one takes the cake. Is she romantically interested in creepy crawlies?

How Do You Respond to That?

Of course, this guy wouldn’t love her if she were a worm — why would he? However, he can’t tell her that because then she’ll get mad. Sorry, dude… she may be a 10 but she put you between a rock and a hard place.